Buy Me a Coffee

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to run script as service in ubuntu

In order to run a script as a service which will run on boot time do the followings:

create the script and add the commands in to it using vi:
  sudo vi /etc/init.d/SCRIPT_NAME

Change the run level of the script so it could be executable file
  sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/SCRIPT_NAME

Run update-rc.d in order to create the links:
  sudo update-rc.d SCRIPT_NAME defaults 80

more information can be found at:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The trust relationship between this workstaion and the primary domain failed after snapshot revert

The trust relationship between this workstaion and the primary domain failed after snapshot revert, this may happened if the machine password in the domain is invalid.

In order to fix it, reset the machine account in the domain:

1. Logging into the machines locally
2. Run cmd
3. Using netdom to  reset the computer account password:

netdom resetpwd /s:server /ud:domain\User  /pd:*
where server is the domain controller name
