Buy Me a Coffee

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to run script as service in ubuntu

In order to run a script as a service which will run on boot time do the followings:

create the script and add the commands in to it using vi:
  sudo vi /etc/init.d/SCRIPT_NAME

Change the run level of the script so it could be executable file
  sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/SCRIPT_NAME

Run update-rc.d in order to create the links:
  sudo update-rc.d SCRIPT_NAME defaults 80

more information can be found at:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The trust relationship between this workstaion and the primary domain failed after snapshot revert

The trust relationship between this workstaion and the primary domain failed after snapshot revert, this may happened if the machine password in the domain is invalid.

In order to fix it, reset the machine account in the domain:

1. Logging into the machines locally
2. Run cmd
3. Using netdom to  reset the computer account password:

netdom resetpwd /s:server /ud:domain\User  /pd:*
where server is the domain controller name


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Offline WSUS - clients won't get updates (export and import updates)

We have got two WSUS servers, one is connected to the internet while the other is inside a closed network (due to security). we are using import-export in order to sync the update from the online server to the offline server.
The problem is that after approving a test machine, setting the GPO and checking for new updates nothing happen, the client log reported: "0 updates detected" (full log in RED below), 

Solution: after copying c:\wsus folder from the external server to internal server, exporting and importing (again) the database > clients can get updates.

How to perform export using WSUSutil.exe:

1 ) from external machine open command line and go to %drive%\Program Files\Update Services\Tools folder and type

wsusutil.exe export logfile.log

2) copy the c:\wsus folder to the internal server.

3) copy to the internal server (you don't need to copy the logfile.log)

4) on the internal server run:
wsusutil.exe import logfile.log


2011-09-15	11:38:55:181	 380	150c	Agent	*************
2011-09-15	11:38:55:196	 380	1044	AU	>>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {32CCAA2B-1A4D-4846-9C51-7F54E9A2E42F}]
2011-09-15	11:38:55:196	 380	1044	AU	  # 0 updates detected
2011-09-15	11:38:55:196	 380	1044	AU	#########
2011-09-15	11:38:55:196	 380	1044	AU	##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates [CallId = {32CCAA2B-1A4D-4846-9C51-7F54E9A2E42F}]
2011-09-15	11:38:55:196	 380	1044	AU	#############
2011-09-15	11:38:55:196	 380	1044	AU	Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0ts.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Clone virtual machine failed with Number of virtual devices exceeds the maximum for a given controller

While trying to clone a virtual machine on VMware vSphere, the following error appear:

Clone virtual machine - User VS - Number of virtual devices exceeds the maximum for a given controller. 

How to resolve it:
Don't click of "Edit Configuration" while converting the virtual machine.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Requirements unforeseen consequences

Sometimes a modification results in unforeseen consequences because the various people involved did not fully understand each other’s requirements or intentions

As technical requested it


As projects interpreted it

As engineering designed it
As construction installed it

As works modified it

What the customer wanted

Sunday, January 30, 2011

מתכון מנצח - קציצות בקר ובטטה מעולות

המתכון המנצח להכנת קציצות:

המרכיבים הדרושים:
  • 1/2 קילו בשר בקר טחון.
  • 1 בצל בינוני.
  • 1 בטטה גדולה (הקרדיט לנועם)
  • 3 עגבניות.
  • 2 קישואים בינוניים (לא חובה, אבל מוסיף המון).
  • 1 ביצה.
  • חצי כוס פירורי לחם.
  • כפית מלח.
  • כף סוכר חום.
  • כפית פלפל שחור.
  • שתי קופסאות רסק עגבניות.
  • כוס וחצי מים.
  • שמן.
  • כפית שום מרוסק.
אופן ההכנה:

  1. מכניסים את הבטטה למיקרו ל-6 דקות עד שהיא רכה מאד ומועכים אותה לכדי פירה, נותנים לבטטה להתקרר קצת, שמים בצד...
  2. קוצצים את הבצל דק דק דק ומטגנים אותו עד שיזהיב , שמים בצד...
  3. בקערה גדולה מערבבים ביצה, פלפל שחור, בשר, בצל, בטטה ופירורי לחם ולשים עד כדי עיסה שאינה דביקה יותר מדי, אם צריך מוספים עוד פירורי לחם. (מתקדמים יכולים להוסיף גם פטרוזילה קצוצה דק)
  4. את תערובת הבשר צרים לקציצות ומניחים בצד.
  5. עם קצת שמן מטגנים את הקציצות קלות עד שיקבלו צורה,  כ-4 דקות מכל צד (רק שיקבלו צורה, לא נורא אם התכולה בפנים לא מבושלת לגמרי). בגמר הטיגון מניחים אותן בצד.
  6. את הקישואים והעגבניות חותכים לחתיכות בגודל של 1 ס"מ ומטגנים בסיר נמוך ורחב מאד עם קצת שמן.
  7. מוסיפים למחבת רסק העגבניות, מים, סוכר, מלח ושום (מתקדמים יכולים להוסיף בזיליקום טרי).
  8. מערבבים טוב טוב את תכולת המחבת ומוסיפים את הקציצות כך שיטבעו ברוטב.
  9. מכסים ומבשלים כ-40 דקות.
אוכלים עם חלה טריה והרבה טחינה כמובן :-) בתאבון !

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Instructions for getting the USB-Serial adapter U232-P9

Instructions for getting the USB-Serial adapter (U232-P9, PL-2303) working under Windows.

You will need a serial port program such as Hyperterminal.Here is a version of Hyperterminal for Windows Vista and Windows 7 . Win2K, Windows XP should have it under accessories-communications. If not it can be installed from "add software" in the controll-panel.

Windows 7 - download Windows Vista driver here. Windows 7 or the lattest drivers can be downloaded from the manufacturer .
If you are installing from the CD provided by the manufacturer then insert the CD in the drive and change to folder "D version" then to your operating system folder.
Double click on the executable to install the driver.
After the driver is installed you will be ready to use the USB_to_Serial device.
Run hyperterminal and select the COM port that was created automatically when you plugged in the USB_to_serial device. Set hyperterminal to 2400 N81.

Thanks to Steve Kanellis .

Monday, January 10, 2011

Building a kitchen to Shira my daughter - Part 1

I decided to build a wooden kitchen to my daughter.
Shira is Year and three months old, she loves to play and laugh, we saw wooden kitchen in Ikea store but we think that we can build a better one.
So, this is part one of building the kitchen, designing and paint is part two.

1. We started with Ikea TROFAST cabinet.

2. This is how the cabinet should be...

3. We have added two shelf:

4. Drilled a sink:

5. Placed the sink:
6. Added another shelf:

7. and a control panel to the oven on the right

8. Another shelf under the control panel:

9 added a door for the refrigerator
10. another shelf in the middle

11. this is how we glued the rear of the kitchen with paper 
12 and another paper

13. here is the wooden kitchen  with the rear part and oven door.

Now, all we should do is to install some lights in it, use some paint and add accessories..

Here it is after painting and adding almost everything:


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Android Market: “Download unsuccessful” Error Fix

I recently started getting Download unsuccessful errors on my Motorola Droid whenever I tried to upgrade an app. Luckily, the fix was easy.
1. Open Settings.
2. Select Applications.
3. Select Manage Applications.
4. Select Market (You may have to press Menu > Filter > All to see it)
5. Select Clear cache.
6. Back out of the screen and select Download Manager.
7. Select Clear data.
8. Also clear data for Google Apps, Google Talk, and Checkin Service.
See if downloading from the Android Market works now.
Of course, this works with any Android phone (Evo, Droid X, Samsung Moment, etc.)

Original post: